Infrequently Asked Questions, Part 1

David Anderson |

We do on occasion get asked questions that are a bit more obscure or otherwise not something that many users will experience, but is a point that may be crucial to you. Therefore, if one person asked, then there must be others out there that can benefit from the answers. Here, in a recurring theme are a handful of "Infrequently Asked Questions", IFQs.


How do get the MIMO 720f to display in portrait mode when using the Rasberry Pi? 

To rotate the display at boot, go to /etc/X11 and edit xorg.conf to add the line in the first section as shown below:


... [ stuff before]

 Option "ShadowFB" "off"

 Option "Rotate" "CW"  # or  "CCW"


... [ stuff after]


That will rotate the display. Next you need to rotate the touch response. The option required is SwapAxes. In /usr/share/xorg.conf.d10-evdev.conf, add it near the "Invert" commands like this:


Option "InvertX" "true"

Option "InvertY" "true"

Option "SwapAxes" "true"


In the test case, we had to invert both X & Y. As the standard directions indicate, that may not be necessary for you.


Then reboot.



My touch response under Windows 7 and 8 is very intermittent, and when it does work it is very laggy. This issue seems to come and go.

This issue is related to power management options. Mimo Monitors has not been able to determine when, and under what conditions this happens, but a couple of customers have run into this same issue. For the vast majority of our customers, these power management settings do not matter.

- Go to the device manager and under "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" double click on "Generic USB HUB".

- Under the 'Power Management" tab, de-select / un-check "Allow the computer to turn this device off to save power".

- Repeat last step on all "USB Root Hub" entries.

- Reboot after applying all of the changes.



When I tried to set up the monitor, I got the message that the "graphics card in the computer I am using is incompatible".

We utilize a technology from DisplayLink for our USB displays. DisplayLink drivers require a few things to work correctly. First is a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) graphic driver architecture for the main video card running Microsoft Windows versions beginning with Windows Vista. It is recommended that the first thing you do is to update your graphics driver for your main graphics hardware to the latest. More information may be available here (

There are a few graphics cards known to be incompatible, but most are old or for servers only.