Transportation Solutions

We offer multiple reliable and cutting-edge solutions designed specifically for the rigors of transportation. Small touchscreens are perfect for taxis, buses, and airplanes where larger models will not fit, but technology is needed to maximize the experience.

The durability of our commercial touchscreen technology ensures that it will withstand hard use, and be made to stand the test of time. With a focus on efficiency and usability, our reliable technology ensures that you won’t run into a situation where the machine doesn’t operate as it should, causing customer frustration and costing the company important revenue.

Further, to accommodate the needs of customers looking for a custom solution, or looking to solve a specific problem we’ll utilize our expertise to design and build a solution that fits the job and meets the desired goals.

Mimo Monitors in Action

Trusted by Top Brands Worldwide

  • CMT Group

    Creative Mobile Technologies (CMT Group), the largest and most experienced supplier of the taxi and for-hire integrated technology in the world, collaborated with us when they needed a custom solution for a driver and passenger information screen. The UM-760C-SMK was designed with audio, adjustable brightness and touch in a ruggedized metal case, for sustained hard use. Through years of deployed equipment, our monitor has proven to be the most reliable component in their solution. Currently deployed in London as well as other cities around the globe, CMT is one of Mimo’s top 10 customers.

  • Verifone

    Verifone was seeking a customer interaction display for the passenger area of their taxi system that would be usable in the winter with heavy gloves. We offered of resistive touch as an ideal solution. Verifone has since installed thousands of our resistive touch Magic Monster 10.1" USB monitors into taxicabs for billing, rider entertainment, interaction.

  • Link Technologies

    Link Technologies has been a Mimo Monitors customer for years, utilizing our displays to show driver information for public buses around Greece. They struggled to find a device sturdy enough to handle the vibration of busses. To combat this, they collaborated with us on a custom, open-frame display designed specifically to withstand the constant vibration. Out of this venture, the UM-760C-OF was born, specifically suited for the durability to meet their needs. With the vibration resistant connectors, solid metal frame, and hard mounted cable solution, it is a reliable solution for their expanded project.

Ready for a better experience?

Seamless Small Touchscreen Solutions for Conference Rooms, Digital Signage, Transportation, and More.