USB extension and the UM-1080CP-B

David Anderson |

Updated 09/08/20:

The question of how to extend the USB3.0 on the UM-1080CP(-B and -G) connection has come up in the last couple days. Recently we took a support call from a customer, that after a while, we figured out had the UM-1080CP going through a USB 2.0 over CAT5/6 extender.
USB2.0 extenders, including ours, will not fully work with the UM-1080CP. The symptom is that everything looks like it is working (video and touch), but the HDMI video capture does not function. Surprising to the customer, but explainable from the design, the HDMI audio capture does work over USB2.0 extender.

If HDMI capture function is not needed a USB2.0 extender will work fine. However, since the HDMI capture function is the point of the UM-1080CP over the UM-1080C, we suspect that missing that function is not acceptable.
Today, the least expensive solution is USB 3.0 active cables. Here are a couple that we've tested (links are to Amazon, but many resellers offer them)

Newnex FireNEX - uLINK 3.0 - We only tested the 12m version
We only tested it above terminated with a USB 3.0 hub. We used this one ST4300USBM

One of our customers has tried this cable successfully @ 10m.
They did NOT use a hub.
Lindy USB 3.0 active cable extender

A separate customer successfully connected the UM-1080CP-B to a chromebox (all features enabled, including 1080p HMDI capture) over 30 m distance, using 2 daisy-chained 15 meters Lindy cables

Another customer has tried the following USB 3.0 cables and have had success with 10M all the way up to 20M length cables.


Google keeps a list of approved hubs and cables for use with the Hangouts Meet kit:

Other lengths will probably work fine, but there is a limit on active cables. The longer they are, the more likely they will not work, but we can not offer a hard limit


Update 09/08/20:
For USB 3.0 extenders over CAT6/7 or Fiber, we have only tried 1, but it is now working fine

The Raven 3104 pro (CATx) extender has been qualified by Mimo Monitors with the Vue Capture 

We will update this blog post as we learn more information. If anyone finds a reliable solution, we would appreciate the feedback.