Mimo Plug Support

Getting started with your new Mimo plug computer

Pre-installed/Included Software

Your new Mimo plug comes with two sets of bootable Debian Linux software, both are Linux Kernel, Debian Squeeze (version 6.0.1).

1) The plug itself has 512MB of built-in NAND Flash Ram with Debian Squeeze preinstalled which allows you to boot the device with no attached monitor, USB or SD volumes. It does not have software to drive your Mimo monitor nor does it have any windowing package pre-installed (gnome, kde, etc). This stripped-down Debian install has a few key features to get you started:

a) DHCP networking preconfigured- if the Mimo plug is connected via Ethernet port to a network with a DHCP server, the Mimo plug will receive an assigned IP address and become addressable by that IP address.

b) SSHD service preconfigured and started- the Mimo plug can be reached by SSH if booted from the built-in NAND Flash Ram. SSH listens on standard port 22. Login as username "root", password "nosoup4u".

c) The Mimo plug can be addressed using TTY over USB. This requires special driver software for Windows/Mac users that must be installed on your computer first. For more information visit: http://www.plugcomputer.org/plugwiki/index.php/Serial_terminal_program

2) The plug comes with either a 4,8 or 16GB SD card with a bootable version of Debian Squeeze v6.0.1 which additionally has the Mimo monitor drivers and gnome windowing pre-installed and configured. To boot from the SD card, connect your Mimo monitor to the Mimo plug and then make sure the SD card is firmly inserted into the Mimo plug SD card slot properly and then plug in your Mimo plug to AC power. If the SD card is present, the Mimo plug will try to boot from it. If you want to boot from the built-in NAND Flash RAM, you must remove the SD card before booting. The Debian install on the SD card is different from the version in the built-in NAND Flash RAM in a few ways:

a) It has drivers for your Mimo monitor

b) SSHD service is *not* installed, you will have to install this yourself if desired

c) It mounts the SD card as the root file system (instead of the built in NAND Flash RAM)

DHCP is preconfigured on both the built-in NAND Flash RAM and the SD card. Booting from either will allow the Mimo plug to talk to the DHCP service on your network.

To Boot from the built-in NAND Flash Ram and then use an SD card for extra storage (mountable device):

Boot the Mimo Plug without any SD card inserted, or if you have an SD card with no bootable partition you can insert it before booting, the Mimo plug will try to boot from it and ignore it when it cannot find any bootable partition.

Insert the SD card after boot complete.

Find the SD card in devices:

> ls /dev

Usually the SD card will be seen as "mmcblk0", sometimes "mmcblk0, mmcblk0p1, mmcblk0p2" if there are multiple partitions on the SD card.

Create a mount point for the SD card:

> mkdir /mnt/sdcard
> mkdir /media/sdcard

Mount the dev to the mount point:

> mount /dev/mmcblk0 /mnt/sdcard