BrightSign Displays

BrightSign Displays


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Touch Technology


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Mimo Monitors is proud to partner with some of the leading brands in the field of digital signage to create exciting and cutting-edge solutions. Now, we are partnering with BrightSign, LLC®, a global driver of digital signage innovation, to introduce the Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In.

By collaborating with a powerhouse in digital signage, we can deliver outstanding applications and solutions for our clients. This strong partnership brings to market a fully comprehensive product that capitalizes on what each of us do best. By leveraging the top quality technology behind the Mimo Vue and the power and reliability of the BrightSign platform, we’re able to provide the screen and player as one, making these digital signage displays simple to deploy and scale.

Our innovative, intuitive Mimo Vue HD displays will now come equipped with BrightSigns’ high-performance HD4-family platform. Just take it out of the box, and it’s instantaneously ready to go, with a complete seamless integration of touchscreen video and media player.

It’s easy to set up and offers a new way to access BrightSign's market leading application. Built for commercial environments, BrightSign’s video and media player is robust, reliable, and durable.

“Mimo Monitors is widely known for its high-value, small-footprint displays that deliver a seamless user experience,” said Jeff Hastings, CEO of BrightSign. “The new Mimo Vue monitors unveiled at InfoComm are a great representation of what’s possible with a best-in-class solution using BrightSign Built-in.”


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